Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

** Segnung des Wassers **

Gebet zur Segnung & Heilung des Wassers

"Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori Kotte, Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga, Nari Natta.”

Die unendliche Kraft des Universums hat sich selbst versammelt, 
um die Welt mit wahrhaftiger und großartiger Harmonie zu erschaffen.

We pray for healing blessings on the waters
We pray for healing blessings on the sea
We pray for healing blessings on the rivers
That they may shine in crystal purity
Translation : The Eternal power of the Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true and grand harmony
We pray for healing blessings on the waters
We pray for healing blessings on the sea
We pray for healing blessings on the rivers
That they may shine in crystal purity/flow in perfect harmony

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